8 Tips to Simplify (or Restart) Your Makeup Routine
One of the biggest struggles for us Moms is having a makeup routine that works in the tiny amount of time that we have to get ready. This was a HUGE struggle for me when I had two under two. It took me a while to figure out what I had time for, and what I didn’t. But after complaining to a friend that I didn’t have enough time to put on eyeliner, I realized that I was being a tad dramatic – it didn’t take THAT long eyeliner, right?
Maybe I could just figure out a better system!
Plus, every day I’d look in the mirror and be horrified, because I looked so tired. The no makeup look and undereye circles weren’t doing anything for me.
I wanted to feel great, and if that meant I needed to develop a better makeup routine, then yep, I was going to figure it out.

I began by getting rid of makeup that I only wore on special occasions, and tucking that away in a drawer. Then I put everything I wanted to wear on a DAILY BASIS in a small makeup bag, and tucked that away in my vanity.
I put my hair products all right there too, including my hair dryer, curling iron, dry shampoo, and hair spray.
With everything in one place, I started to get into a routine.
And with every tweak I made, it got easier. I put my makeup brushes in mason jars, then later divided up the makeup brushes into face brushes, and eye brushes. The mason jar with eyeshadow brushes also became the home of my eyeliner.

I completely pared down my products, too! By the end of everything, my makeup bag only contained my foundation, undereye concealer, setting powder, blush, bronzer, two eyeshadows, one mascara, and an eyelash curler.
I had been making my life SO much harder by keeping all my makeup together (including stuff I never wore and would never wear again!). And with so many different products, it was messy and hard for me to find what I needed. Sooo……
So here are 8 tips for you, based on what I learned:
- Go through your makeup and toss what you don’t wear anymore. (And what doesn’t work for your lifestyle…)
- If there is makeup you only wear on special occasions, put that in it’s own bin or makeup bag and set it aside in a drawer.
- Put everything you wear on a daily basis in 1 makeup bag or basket.
- Keep your facial products like moisturizer and sunblock right next to your makeup.
- Put your brushes in a cup/mason jar/ container, right next to your makeup.
- Keep your hair products close by your makeup so that getting ready is done in 1 place, and you don’t waste time moving back and forth between bedroom and bathroom (or wherever you keep things!).
- Think of everything as having a home, and try and put it back to it’s “home” so it’s always there when you need it.
- Something not working quite right? Tweak it!
And there you go! I’m hoping my lessons learned will save you time and allow you a few more minutes to get your hair brushed and your makeup on. You deserve it, Mama!
Want to know the products that I use on a daily basis? Click here for details on what I use and where to shop!
And if you are interested in watching my real life, under 10 minute video of what I use, here you go!

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