
5 Tips for creating a cute “Mom Wardobe” (& finding your mama mojo!)

Sometimes as moms we lose our style. We have babies, we gain weight, we lose weight, we have no time to shop for new clothes, much less wash and fold them. I certainly felt this way when I had two kids under 2 years old! But what I wish I’d known then, I know now.

Just as our lives change with kids, our wardrobes need to change too! Maybe you used to work and most of your clothing is work clothing. Or maybe you had tons of workout clothing and now the only fitness your doing is racing upstairs to grab a diaper and extra burp cloths. Whatever it may be, the reality is that life is always changing, and your wardrobe is no different.

Forget about fitting into those pants that fit 2 years ago pre-children. Odds are that when (or if!) you finally squeeze back into them, your hip bones moved with pregnancy and they might not even work! Or….they’re not even in style any longer! (If they are high waisted skinny jeans, they’re prob still in….but look around, the stores are biting at the chomps to bring back the “demi-flare” or wide leg pant, so skinnies may be long gone in a few years…)

Maybe you think “oh, but I just need to lose weight and get back into my old jeans, and then I’ll feel great!”.


Or maybe not…..


Do you really want to stay in old leggings (or gasp, maternity leggings) for the next year, putting pressure on yourself every day and feeling depressed that you ate yet another cookie and won’t be squeezing into your pre-pregnancy clothing anytime soon?!


That is not a good way to treat yourself.

You are a queen, mama, and you deserve to feel good. You brought a tiny human into this world, and you are rocking it! So make sure your outer appearance makes you happy and helps bring back that confidence that you may have lost.

While appearances are certainly not everything, I’ve learned that what I wear can greatly affect my mood. When I’m in black and greys, I tend to be more serious. But when I’m in lighter colors and fun prints, I actually feel happier!

So here you go, my 5 tips for getting your Mama Mojo back:

  1. Get a great fitting pair of jeans. Don’t have time to head to the store and try them on? Order online. Read the reviews, and then order 4 sizes. When they arrive, don’t look at the size on the tags, just try them all on and keep the best fitting ones. The fit should be snug, not loose. Send the rest back (Tip: drop the bag at UPS, not the post office. UPS will essentially take your bag and return postage that you printed off of your printer and tape up the entire package for you!) My ultimate favorite jeans are the 10″ high rise at Madewell that you can shop here (light denim), and here (dark denim) and here (black denim), but the Old Navy High Rise Rockstar jeans are also good if you don’t want to spend more than $40.
  2. Toss any old jeans that are low rise. That style will not come back anytime soon, and even if it does, you don’t want to be wearing them. Moms do not want to be tugging on their jeans, or worse, have that “plumber” problem…..Repeat after me, high waisted only!
  3. Buy a pair of cute shoes that are comfortable and you can stand in all day. They should be high quality, preferably leather, and a fun color so that *in case* your outfit falls short and you end up back in leggings, you can throw on your cute gold slide on sneakers or cute grey high tops and a denim jacket, and still look awesome! (Plus, pregnancy typically expands our feet, so you may be squeezing your feet into a too small shoe, and that will lead to future problems…)
  4. Stay comfortable. Maybe you love to wear sweatshirts or flannels. Great! I do, too. They are soft and keep me warm. The key to making these not look frumpy is to make sure these items fit. Sure, you may love your husband’s XXL sweatshirt, but girl, DO NOT wear that thing to the grocery store! There are plenty of cute fitted sweatshirts at Target or Madewell, like this blush pink style and this grey weekend one, that will flatter you in both color and size!
  5. If you aren’t using Dry Shampoo….ORDER IT RIGHT NOW!!! No one has time to wash their hair every day and have it look good. (I’ll tell you a secret…I only wash mine every 3-5 days…yep). I just spray it each morning with dry shampoo and it gets rid of all the oilies! My favorite brand that I’ve been using for 3 years is this, but there are cheaper brands that have great reviews, such as this one.

Mamas, I get it. The struggle is real. But I also know that a few small tweaks here and there will be a game changer in how you feel on a day to day basis! Ain’t no shame in wanting to look good, even when you are dodging spit up and diaper blowouts. (Final tip: just throw on your husbands XL sweatshirt when you are at home – That way you won’t ruin yours! Shh….don’t tell!)

Friends, 2020 is a new year. A new decade. A chance to try something new…..Make it a good one, and start it off as the stylish, polished Mom that YOU have always wanted to be!

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