Want to Conquer Your Life?
Find a good hairstylist.
Okay- I’m kiddding, slightly! But since it took me my entire life to figure out a style that is flattering, easy, and works for me…..I’m pretty serious!
Combine that with a stylist who works magic and creates a beautiful color, and that’s a recipe for conquering the world, or at least mom life!

I have fine hair, but lots of it. So the bulk of my hair is in the area from my ears to my shoulders. Not ideal. It gets weighed down and is flat as a pancake on top- eww.
But you would never know that because……
I have my stylist thin it out.
And I use a root volumizer for volume after I wash it.
Scroll to the end to see the hair products I use!
What does thinning out my hair do, you ask? It takes out the WEIGHT, and suddenly, everything is lighter on top!
I have VOLUME!!!

What I’ve learned from finding a good stylist is this:
Communication is key.
If you find someone you like, stick with them! If you don’t love the haircut or color, explain what isn’t working for you so that THEY GET IT.
You might be talking one language, i.e, layers, and she might be speaking another language, i.e, thinning shears. Or you may not be saying anything, and just assuming your stylist can read your mind….
Um, nope.
I learned to speak up and try and explain what I didnt like about my hair. And what I wanted!
It took a few times to get my words into the right “hair language”- BUT, it changed my hair life! For the better. Much better!
So now – I feel like I have a good hair day, every day! And you can, too – if you figure out what works for your hair, and can communicate with your stylist what you like or don’t like about your hair!

Here are the products I buy over and over again….and I promise, they dont take longer than 5 seconds to apply!