A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing
Is honesty important to you? It is to me. So sometimes I scratch my head and wonder how I didn’t see the web of lies that complicated my marriage for years. In hindsight, I see so much more. But when you are standing in the middle of something, your view is skewed, and it’s almost impossible to see the truth for what it is. False information. Made up stories. Excuses. It’s hard to fit the puzzle pieces together because they don’t fit. Lies built up on more lies.

You know the saying, a wolf in sheep’s clothing? It’s pretty accurate….Yes, liars can portray themselves as the most honest, charming, stand up person you know. Their tactics make you doubt your instincts, to second guess your own judgement. They convince you that you aren’t as smart or as knowledgeable as they are. Highly skilled manipulators learn how to deflect questions, answering a question with another question or subtly changing the subject.. Some people are just incapable of telling the truth, because they believe the lies they tell. ☹️
Have you been told you are “ridiculous” or “crazy” for questioning someone’s story? If so, it’s probably because you are hitting a nerve or getting close to the truth, by catching someone in a lie..
I’ve learned this year to trust my intuition much more than someone’s words. As the saying goes, “actions speak louder than words”. Hear it, and adhere to it! So tie your scarf properly from now on, just in case you encounter a sheep that is more likely a wolf – You’ll need to dash far away to greener pastures, and you’ll want to be #cute and #comfortable on your journey…
