
My love for Madewell, they’ve got your back(side)!

On IG, I gush a lot about Madewell denim. For good reason, let me assure you. The fit is incredible, the jeans come in multiple rises (my fave is the 10″) and they are actually comfortable to wear!

Madewell white denim button front style

So let’s back up a few years…..I used to hate jeans. With a passion. When I was a kid, I only wore black stretch pants. I was on the sturdier side and jeans were so uncomfortable. Anyone else have that problem?! Even when designer denim came roaring into style, I still never loved anything and therefor struggled to comprehend spending so much money on a pair that still wasn’t perfect….

I can’t stand when the waistband of my jeans slides and I have to keep hiking up my jeans. THE WORST, right? I cringe when I see women do this, too. Enter Madewell jeans………They are just the best jeans ever!!!! The waistband on most styles stays in the same spot all day long! You will never be tugging or pulling, and that’s the best denim news I’ve ever heard before! The only pair I bought that I didn’t love and ended up reselling were the mom jeans…they just looked awful on me #buyersremorse. But I have the roadtripper, the straight leg, the 10″ button front with the frayed hem, and a cute pair of velvet pants. And they look good, and stay looking good, every single time I wear them. The roadtrippers have more stretch so they can sometimes slide a bit, but my other pairs do not budge. And since I’m a stay at home mom of two kids under 5, that’s what I need in my life. Dependable denim.

Because if I can’t depend on my denim, what can I depend on?! Not my husband, who ended up being a huge disappointment (see posts on divorce and infidelity to read more.) I ended up tossing him out with my terrible fitting denim – I can’t have that in my life anymore! Wearing jeans that just don’t fit right and never make you feel good is like staying in a marriage laced with lies and infidelity. Unhealthy, and ruining your day…every day! Ladies, we need to know what we are getting, and I can assure you that Madewell has got your back (side).

Tip: Denim sales are few and far between, but if you take in an old pair of jeans, you receive a $15 discount on your denim purchase. Cheers to savings!

10″ Rise Button Front w/ frayed hem
Madewell Roadtripper Jeans