Are you letting fear interfere?
Don’t let the fear of falling (or failing) stop you! I took my two children to family camp with our church this past weekend and it was a great learning experience for all of us. The kids had a blast running around our cabin with 6 other kids, they grew in their faith, they canoed, made candles, drank endless cups of hot chocolate, and my daughter climbed the tallest rock climbing wall I’d ever seen!
She had excitedly talked about it all week, but then changed her mind after putting on the helmet and harness. After sitting and watching everyone else for 10 minutes, she changed her mind again and proceeded to climb halfway up the wall like a pro. About an hour later, she wanted to try it again and climbed to the very top! I was incredibly proud, because that thing was about 5 stories tall…

Frequently we let our fears stop us from accomplishing our goals; we are so concerned about failing that we don’t even try. As a result, we miss out on accomplishing something great and conquering our fears! We also miss out on personal growth. Think about your own life. Is there something that you haven’t done because you’ve let fear of failure interfere? Can you change your mind, gather your courage and start conquering your fears? I know I was scared to start this IG blog. I wondered if anyone would actually read it. I worried that my pictures weren’t good enough. But it’s been so fun and a great addition to my life! I don’t mind if I never have thousands of followers or readers because it’s more than I had 4 months ago, and that’s pretty awesome in my mind.