Fitness,  Mom Life

Squeeze in a walk!

This year both of my kids are in morning preschool three days a week. It’s amazing. Truly. I feel like I’ve entered a new phase of life! Even though drop off is rather early for us at 8 am (I know, dont hate me, but my kids actually sleep in until 7 am….) it’s well worth the morning rush. And morning rush it is, as every mom knows!

Do you ever have an idea hit you and think, wow, I’m a genius?! yeah, me too, so high five fellow genius #momhacks. Now, this may not blow your mind at first, but let it sink in. Go ahead, think of it as a pinterest hack…so simple, you wonder why you didn’t think of it long ago! Ironically, sometimes it’s the smallest tweaks to our routines that make a huge difference!

Ready to rock (or walk) and roll through the neighborhood!

On Wednesday mornings, I typically drop my kids off and then head home to get showered and dressed (i.e. non workout clothing and makeup), and then head out and do errands or to do items around the house. Well,today I had an appointment at 9 am, so I had a 30 minute chunk of time after finishing the preschool drop off. I’d already had coffee and put my makeup on earlier, and I just didn’t feel like going home for such a short period of time. Sooooo……Since I had put my workout clothes on this morning (planning for a bike ride later), I realized this weird (ie. early) chunk of time was perfect for squeezing in a workout! (Side not, workout in my mind is any type of exercise. I’m not a gym person, I like to view exercise as just a part of my day). So I parked the car, dropped the kids off, stowed my purse and then plugged in my headphones and power walked through the neighborhood for 30 minutes! Not only was my walk incredibly peaceful, but the preschool my kids attend happens to be in an old neighborhood filled with gorgeous architecture, so it’s a beautiful area to walk around when the sun is just starting to shine!

I realized this simple little morning walk could be worked into my schedule every single week! And because I didn’t head home, I couldn’t be distracted with dishes, laundry, mail, etc. So if you are having problems fitting in a workout or even just some peaceful alone time, think about your schedule. Are there small pockets of time (even as short as 15 minutes) when you could just park the car and take a walk? Maybe even stowing running shoes in the car would help, so that you’re always prepared? Sometimes we’re so used to our routines and schedules that we forget to change things up! And changing things up to make our lives easier is alway a good thing….

My Brooks Ghost 12 running shoes. Aren’t the vanilla sprinkles and rainbow laces the cutest?!